
Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries

Dictionary Manipulation: Mode Calculation, Tuple Modification, Stop Words, and Key Checking

Published on July 8, 2023 by Pradeepchandra Reddy S C

Tags: Python, Programming

SQL Introduction


In this article, we will explore various Python code snippets that focus on dictionary manipulation tasks. We will cover topics such as calculating the mode of a list, modifying tuples within a list, updating stop words in natural language processing, and checking for the existence of keys in a dictionary. These examples will highlight the flexibility and functionality of Python in working with dictionaries and performing common operations efficiently. Throughout the process, I gained insights into fundamental concepts such as tuples, set, and dictionaries.

Problem 1: Calculating the Mode of a List

To start, we are given a list of temperatures and are asked to calculate the mode. The mode is defined as the value that appears most frequently in the data. We accomplish this by first obtaining a unique set of values from the list. Then, we create an empty dictionary to store the unique temperatures as keys and their corresponding counts as values. By iterating through the list and updating the dictionary accordingly, we can determine the mode temperature.

Problem 2: Modifying Tuples within a List

Next, we are presented with a list of tuples and tasked with modifying the last element of the last tuple. To achieve this, we convert the last tuple to a list, update the desired element, and convert it back to a tuple. Finally, we print the updated list of tuples.

Problem 3: Updating Stop Words in NLP

In this problem, we focus on natural language processing (NLP) and the concept of stop words. Stop words are common words that are typically removed from text processing tasks. We begin with a sample sentence and a default set of stop words. By updating the set of stop words with additional custom words, we ensure that our NLP tasks exclude those specific words during text processing.

Problem 4: Checking for Key Existence in a Dictionary:

Lastly, we explore dictionary manipulation by checking for the existence of a key. We start with a dictionary and verify if a given key is present using a boolean variable. If the key exists, we remove it from the dictionary; if it does not, we add the key along with its corresponding value. This demonstrates how Python allows for easy checking and manipulation of keys in a dictionary.


In this article, we have covered various Python code snippets for dictionary manipulation. We learned how to calculate the mode of a list by updating a dictionary with key-value pairs representing unique elements and their counts. Additionally, we explored how to modify tuples within a list and update stop words in NLP tasks by manipulating sets. Lastly, we checked for the existence of keys in a dictionary and demonstrated how to add or remove them as needed. These examples highlight the flexibility and efficiency of Python when working with dictionaries, making it a valuable tool for data manipulation tasks.